One Week Out

It is hard to believe it has been one week since my surgery.  I know I haven’t been the best at blogging lately. My vision has been somewhat off since so typing is a little difficult. 

Wow is all I can say! It is unreal how different I feel already. The pressure and pain in my head, eyes, and arms are gone.  I have a different pain which feels like surgery pain and BUT it responds reasonably with medicine.  My other pain would not respond to anything.  I just had to suffer through it.  It is unbelievable that little tumor was causing such chaos.  I was really bummed I didn’t get to see the tumor or video of the surgery!  The resident doctor did not agree to my operating room selfie! 😒 I think that would’ve been cool!

Now I am off kilter and in slow motion but I sometimes have to remind myself I had brain surgery.  I know I have lots of recovering left to do and I need to pace myself.  I’ve never been good at pacing myself! I’m not bending over and being cautious because I am walking a little tipsy at times. 

My biggest complaint is sleep.  I am thrashing in bed a lot which is causing me to hit my incision.  I am waking up immediately after falling asleep because of this.  That is pretty painful especially if it is getting time for my medicine to be due! My incision looks great and I am blown away with how fast my hair is growing.  Someone called me a chia pet.  Lol.

I am so proud of the work Dr Kim did.  Of course because I am ALIVE but his whole neuro team is just unbelievable and genuine.  They truly care!  I am so glad everything worked out the way that it did and my path crossed his.  Yesterday I had my one week appointment with him.  It was to check incision sight, check on pain level, and other vitals.  I had a great check up. Incision looks clean and perfect. They were all amazed with my hair too.  As we were leaving there was another young lady who had the same type procedure the same day as mine. She traveled from Pennsylvania to see Dr. Kim, her parents were with her. It amazes me how far people travel to see him but I understand why.   He is one of the few that will do this procedure and he has definitely earned his reputation. 

I know I have hurdles still in front of me.  I still have a lot of recovering to do to get back to where I was. But right at this moment I couldn’t be more grateful. The biopsy results are the big thing weighing on my mind which I should know within next few weeks.  I go back to doctor next week I get staples and stitches out.   I know it will all be ok.  I just need to slow down and let my body recover!   As a dear friend says, “pumped da breaks!” 😜


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